About us
The Welsh Surgeons currently meet bi-annually in May and November. Our meetings occur on a Thursday afternoon and Friday with scientific papers presented over the two days. The location rotates around the hospitals in Wales with each surgical department taking turns to host the Society. We have an active twitter account @welshsurgeons.
History of the Welsh Surgeons: Read More
President – Mr Tim Havard, Consultant Surgeon, Royal Glamorgan Hospital
Previous President – Miss Rachel Hargest, Consultant Surgeon, Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust
Treasurer – Prof Dean Harris, Consultant Surgeon, Swansea Bay NHS Trust
Secretary – Mr Mark Davies, Consultant Surgeon, Swansea Bay NHS Trust
Administration and Conference Organization – www.cmevents.co
Sponsorship Enquiries arwen@cmevents.co
What does the meeting cover?
The meeting covers all aspects of general surgery and is broadly inclusive of all subspecialties within that field. There is also a parallel trade exhibition. A business meeting for all full members of the society (consultant general surgeons practising in Wales) is held at the end of the Thursday afternoon session.
A call for abstracts
Prior to each meeting a call for abstracts is circulated (instructions for submissions can be found on this website). A panel consisting of the officers of the society and the local organiser of the meeting scores all of the papers submitted.
The highest scoring papers are presented on Thursday afternoon and are eligible for the registrar and junior medals. Students will also be eligible for the Welsh Surgical Society student prize if presenting during this session. These awards are presented to the winners by the society president at the dinner on the Thursday evening.
Abstracts call to open before
Gwilym Griffith Travelling Fellowship
Trainees are encouraged to apply for the Gwilym Griffith Travelling Fellowship.
The value of the award is up to £1500 and may be used towards the cost of young surgeons visiting foreign centres to gain experience that cannot be obtained here in the United Kingdom.
Application is by curriculum vitae attached to a detailed itinerary of the proposed visit and should be forwarded to the Honorary Secretary by the closing date. The successful trainee/s may be required to present a brief summary of their trip to the society.
Past winners include Mr David Chan 2019, Mr Rami Radwan 2021 and Mr Faris Soliman 2022.